So today I started my new job at the local Medical Practice, all very exciting, but so much to learn and it is beyond busy, but I have promised to keep up with the blog and with my other business, Diana’s House, so after returning home, doing the washing, catching up on the housework I decided that I really needed to get this fantastic recipe for Moroccan Prawns, Cous Cous and Salsa typed up. As Luca would say, its a blogger !

We enjoyed this extremely tasty dinner last night after a manic weekend and a very disappointing day of not finding anywhere local decent enough to book Christmas dinner. It was nice to come to the table, chat about our day and to enjoy this rather fun dish. I say fun, we all actually agreed that next time we would make it with ready peeled prawns. Peeling that many prawns that are covered in such a bright marinade is not a great thing to do before starting a new job and getting the colour out of my nails was not that easy, LOL !

Also Hubby has a thing about pomegranates, he thinks they are pointless and also a complete nightmare to get out, so on this occasion he brought a tray of already prepared ones and was more than happy to add them, I personally think they add colour and Luca loves them, they are full of vitamin B6 and add sweetness to the dish.

The prawns were amazing, I would make these just by themselves, they would make a great tapas dish, they are so full of flavour and the cous cous is fresh and bright, the whole dish is a riot of colour and taste. Every mouthful is different.

So there it is, Moroccan Prawns, Cous Cous and Salsa, hopefully all spelt correctly after my manic day and I hope you love this dish as much as we did.

Buon appetito


Moroccan Prawns

Serves 2

Calories 572

2 sprigs of fresh rosemary
2 cloves of garlic
olive oil
1 level teaspoon smoked paprika
1 good pinch of saffron
6 large raw shell-on king prawns, from sustainable sources
2 oranges
150 g wholewheat couscous
400 g colourful mixed seasonal veg, such as peas, asparagus, fennel, courgettes, celery, spring onions, red or yellow peppers
1 fresh red chilli
½ a bunch of fresh mint , (15g)
1 lemon
2 tablespoons natural yoghurt
1 pomegranate

Strip the rosemary leaves into a pestle and mortar, then peel and add the garlic and pound into a paste with a pinch of sea salt. Muddle in 1 tablespoon of oil, the paprika, saffron and a swig of boiling water to make a marinade. Use little scissors to cut down the back of each prawn shell and remove the vein. Note : We brought ours already de-veined, not a job we fancied doing ourselves! Cut 1 orange into wedges, toss with the prawns and the marinade and leave aside for 10 minutes.

Moroccan Prawns

Put the couscous into a bowl and just cover with boiling water, then pop a plate on top and leave to fluff up. Take a bit of pride in finely chopping all your colourful seasonal veg and chilli, and put them into a nice serving bowl. Pick a few mint leaves and put to one side, then pick and finely chop the rest and add to the bowl with the juice of the lemon and the remaining orange. Add the couscous, toss together and season to taste.

Put a large non-stick frying pan on a high heat. Add the prawns, marinade and orange wedges and cook for 4 to 5 minutes, or until the prawns are gnarly and crisp, then arrange on top of the couscous. Dollop with yoghurt, then halve the pomegranate and, holding it cut side down in your fingers, bash the back so the sweet jewels tumble over everything. Sprinkle with the reserved mint leaves and serve.

Moroccan Prawns, Cous Cous and Salsa