It has been such a long time since I posted a new recipe, in fact in was November 2015 and it was also a Banana Bread recipe, I was most shocked that I loved Banana Bread so much, so much in fact that I have been on a mission to find the perfect clean eating recipe so that I can indulge guilt free.

Things have not been to great here, I have not been in the kitchen for nearly 8 weeks now,  as on the 6th December I fell on our stairs and have severely damage my foot, just missing the last three steps meant that I spent 3 days in hospital and ended up with a fracture through the medial base of the second metatarsal with a fleck of bone in line of the Lisfranc ligament, partial tear & avulsion. The interval between the second mass metatarsal is 4mm, what ever that means (I am just copying what my discharge notes said), a minor deformity of the fracture base of the second metacarpal, a fracture through the base of the third metatarsal, a tiny fracture through lateral distal medial cuneiform bone and some longstanding deformity of the first metatarsal. I have been bed bound ever since and not allowed to put any weight on it what so ever, it has been a frustrating and most depressing time, with months of healing a head of me and possibly long term problems, arthritis and maybe even a limp!

More haste less speed is great in hindsight and my high heel days maybe over 🙁


So now you know where I have been! Next week I am back at the hospital for more X-Rays and I am hoping that they may start to let me put a little weight on it, I can’t wait until I can get out and about and have set a date of the 1st February to return to work (Hubby thinks this is rather optimistic of me). With this in mind I have been trying to get use to my crutches and need to get back into a routine of doing things again. I love to bake on a Friday so that Luca and I have something nice to enjoy together over the weekend, I thought that this very simple Clean Banana Bread would be a great start, boy was I so wrong. It is impossible to do anything whilst on crutches and I was so exhausted afterwards that I just sat on my bed and cried.

But enough doom and gloom…. the bread was worth all the pain and effort as it is delicious, so delicious that you would never know that you were clean eating, there are only a handful of very nutritious ingredients, (chose the best you can afford), the recipe is so simple and the texture is very similar to that of a Malt Loaf with almost a caramelised, almost slightly chewy outside due to the honey. This recipe is far more like a light bread rather than a cake, even to the point that it would be delicious with butter on and your favourite jam. I recently brought some coconut jam and can not wait to try this on it. It would be perfect in a lunch box.

I wanted to test the recipe as it was the first time, but will definitely play around with it in future and will be adding seeds and nuts to see how they work out, but I think it maybe a while before I try to bake again.

So sorry this is a rather gloomy post, I do hope that the fab recipe more than makes up for it and I promise I will be back as soon as I can with far more cheery news, I have something fabulous to share with you but I just need the right recipe to tell you all about it with.

A very belated Happy New Year to you all and as always, Buon appetito.

PS : Thank you Luca for taking the photos for me, all the good ones are his, the not so great ones prove that you can not take photos whilst on crutches.

Banana Bread

2 cups whole wheat flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup sugar free applesauce (I make my own)
3/4 cup honey
2 eggs, beaten
3 mashed overripe bananas

Banana Bread Ingredients

Preheat oven to 175C.

Lightly grease a 9×5 inch loaf pan.I also lined mine.

In a large bowl, combine flour, baking soda and salt.

In a separate bowl, mix together applesauce and honey.

Stir in eggs and mashed bananas until well blended. Stir banana mixture into flour mixture; stir just to moisten.

Pour batter into prepared loaf pan.

Banana Bread Batter

Bake in preheated oven for 60 to 65 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into center of the loaf comes out clean.

Let bread cool in pan for 10 minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack.

Note : For the apple sauce just stew down a few peeled and chopped apples with a little water, to keep it clean do not add any sugar, I suggest using sweet dessert apple.

Banana Bread