I am currently over run with great recipes to add to the blog, in between work and a very busy home life I am trying to fit in as many lovely recipes that I can, they are all so good and I just do not want to lose them. They are the sort of recipes that I know I will go back to, time and time again and will use them in so many ways.

This Miso Power Bowl was a great excuse for Hubby to play with our new toy. I did warn you that we had a spiralizer coming and we love it, its such a fun thing to use and so easy. We have used it for salads and to make vegetables noodles to replace pasta with. Its a lot safer than using a mandolin and a lot easier than dragging out our rather heavy food processor.

The spiralizer with supervision would be a great way to get children interested in food by letting them help you to prepare it and it would be a fun way to add vegetables to their lunch boxes. Ribbons of fresh carrots would be so much more fun than carrot sticks !!!

I am digressing, I need to tell you more about the Miso Power Bowl, again it is a mixture of texture and flavour, I would be so hard pressed to choose which of the recent salads that we have had are my favourite, they are all amazing. This one again you do not miss having any meat, the sweet potatoes are filling and you just feel so good and so healthy for eating this dish.

I know a lot of the recent recipes that I have brought to you are vegetarian, but you can always serve them with any meat of your choice, but studies have found that a few meat free dinners a week can do no harm. There is even a campaign and website called ‘Meat Free Monday’! Why not give it a try, there are so many lovely recipes on the blog to choose from now that you will never be bored.

So have fun with your food and I hope this recipe will inspire you to spiralize.

Buon appetito

sweet potato

Serves: 2

1 sweet potato, cut into 1⁄2-inch rounds
1 1⁄2 teaspoons olive oil or coconut oil, melted
Fine-grain sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 cup uncooked quinoa

1 cup frozen shelled soya beans, thawed
1 medium carrot, julienned (or spirilaized)
2 spring onions, thinly sliced
1⁄4 cup fresh coriander leaves, chopped
1 teaspoon sesame seeds, optional
1 tablespoon hemp seeds, optional
1⁄2 cup sprouted seeds, optional

Makes about 2/3 cup
3 tablespoons light miso
2 tablespoons rice vinegar
1 tablespoon toasted sesame oil
1 tablespoon tahini
1/4 cup fresh orange juice
1 tablespoon water
1 teaspoon maple syrup

In a mini or regular food processor, combine all the dressing ingredients and process until well combined, put to one side.


Preheat the oven to 400F/200C.

Line a large rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper. Place the sweet potato rounds on the prepared baking sheet and drizzle them with the oil, rubbing it on both sides to coat. Sprinkle the sweet potatoes with salt and pepper. Roast for 20 minutes, then flip the potatoes and roast for 8 to 10 minutes more, until tender and lightly browned.

Meanwhile, combine the quinoa with 2 cups water (or vegetable broth, if you prefer) in a saucepan and bring to a slow boil. Turn the heat down, cover, and simmer until the water is absorbed, about 15 minutes.


To assemble, divide the cooked quinoa evenly between 2 plates or bowls and season it with salt and pepper. Top with the roasted sweet potato rounds, the soya beans, carrots, spring onion, coriander, and, if using, the sesame seeds, hemp seeds, and sprouted seeds.

Drizzle with Orange-Maple Miso Dressing and enjoy!


Calories per serving (without optional ingredients & dressing): 550

Orange-Maple Miso Dressing (in 2/3 cup): 270.7 calories
