So today is Shrove Tuesday and as you all know I am not completely virtuous, I love pancakes, actually we are a household of pancake lovers and I have many happy memories of the children when they were younger seeing who could eat the most, nowadays it is definitely Rosie, she is a machine, LOL. How do you like yours, I am a traditional girl, its lemon and sugar for me and as I am working until 8 tonight I have already prepared the batter and it is now safely in the fridge ready for a delicious treat. I can’t wait.

Nowadays I am a good girl, I will only have one maybe two as a dessert and it will follow a really healthy dinner that I have no doubt will appear on the blog at some point, but for now I would like to tell you all about this Pistachio, Farro and Kale Salad. Well, you know I would have to bang on about being healthy at some point !!!

You may not of heard of farro but it is a grain similar to pearl barley, but it’s dried in such a way that instead of being fluffy and spongy it becomes chewy and nutty. If you are fed up with quinoa and fancy something that is just as good for you farro could be for you. Nutritionally speaking, both grains are pretty much exactly the same. While they’re both high in fibre and protein, farro has slightly more carbs but also offers more calcium than quinoa. Also the texture is completely different, which maybe a plus if you are not a fan of quinoa’s little seeds.

This Pistachio, Farro and Kale Salad again was extremely filling and we had ours with fish cakes, so it was a really nutritious but very low calorie meal.

Pistachio, Farro and Kale Salad gives you texture and flavour, you have nutty Farro, crunch from the pistachios and the lightness from the celery, its a very refreshing salad and would be great not only as a side but also made in a larger volume for a BBQ or buffet. Again it would be a great salad to take to work/school. It is so simple to make as you will see from the minimal instructions below.

So blog post done, I have had a busy morning of cleaning and ironing, so its now time to get ready for work. I hope you all have a lovely Shrove Tuesday, you enjoy lots of pancakes and if you are giving something up for Lent I hope it goes well and you manage to stick to it. Good luck xx

Buon appetito

Note : Pancake Recipe –


1 cup farro
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
Salt and pepper to taste
2/3 cup toasted pistachios
1/3 cup parsley
3 stalks celery, finely chopped
2 cups kale, shredded


In a pot over medium heat, simmer the farro and five cups water for 25 to 30 minutes until the farro is softened but still slightly chewy. Drain in a colander and rinse with cold water to cool.

In a small bowl, whisk together the crushed garlic, mustard, olive oil and vinegar. Season with salt and pepper.


In a larger bowl, combine the pistachios, shredded kale, chopped parsley and celery. Toss with the dressing and serve.

1 cup – 205 calories

Pistachio, Farro and Kale Salad