So advertising is to draw us in and make us desire something and to buy it, Skittles advertising slogan is ‘Taste the Rainbow’! Now you know that I am never going to recommend or write a blog post about sweets, especially ones full of colouring and sugar. No what I am going to do is steal Skittles slogan to tell you all about this fabulous recipe, Raw Rainbow Pad Thai. It truly is a rainbow of colours.

Now health professional also recommend that we eat the rainbow, by this they mean eating brightly coloured fruit and vegetables, they can keep you fit and healthy and protect against certain cancers, arthritis, heart disease, cataracts and even premature ageing, whats not to love. I have pinched a photo from the internet just to show you in more detail just what I mean..


This salad, (I know, you are fed up with me saying what I am about to say next, but its true, so please bare with me) like all the others that I have recently posted it is so versatile, we had ours with the prawns from the previous post, as it was a pad thai and because of all the flavours in the dressing it all worked so well together, but you could serve it with so many dishes, it would be great as an alternative to coleslaw, especially served with a burger or breaded chicken, but again it would be great as a packed lunch.

Raw Rainbow Pad Thai is one of the freshest and crispiest salads I have ever had, as we spiralized ours we had so much fun eating the long noodles of rainbow colours, yes the sauce from the prawns did get a bit messy as the vegetables were slurped up, but who cares, we had a delicious healthy meal together and as Olly is a little under the weather at the moment it was just what his body needed.

Well I had better go, blogging for today is over and I need to get ready to go out tonight, I am treating Hubby to dinner at The Bell in Godstone, hopefully we will be able to get a table as we haven’t booked, but we are both really looking forward to it, yes it will blow our daily calorie in take, but as I always say, its about the 80/20 rule in life and life is for living.

Buon appetito

Raw Rainbow Pad Thai

For the salad
1 medium courgette, julienned or spiralized
2 large carrots, julienned or spiralized
1 red pepper, thinly sliced
1 cup thinly sliced red cabbage
3/4 cup frozen soya beans, thawed (or try tofu)
3 green onions, thinly sliced
1 tablespoon hemp seeds
1 teaspoon sesame seeds

For the dressing
1 garlic clove
1/4 cup raw almond butter (or try peanut butter)
2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
2 tablespoons low-sodium tamari
2 tablespoons water
2.5 teaspoons pure maple syrup (or other sweetener)
1/2 tablespoon toasted sesame oil
1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger

Prep vegetables. Add the courgette, carrots, pepper, and cabbage into a large bowl. Toss with hands to combine.

Prepare the dressing by processing all dressing ingredients in a mini processor (or simply whisk by hand).

Top bowls with soya beans (or tofu), green onion, hemp seeds, and sesame seeds.

Pour on dressing and enjoy

Raw Rainbow Pad Thai