I have managed my first week back at work !!!! My foot has been the size of a house and the most interesting of colours, but I made it and boy was it good being back out in the real world. I am trying to do more around the house and today for the first time I am going to risk going out alone! My nails need doing, its an emergency, LOL.

So onto the recipe, I need to get this done before I leave just incase I am to shattered later! Walking long distances on crutches is not fun. I have to start by admitting that this recipe does once again include kale. I know you must be getting fed up with the stuff, but in this dish it is not the star of the show, its is all about the spicy chickpeas, they are amazing and with the creamy nutty tahini sauce they are to die for. They would be great to make on their own, you could serve them as a side dish with so many meals and the tahini sauce is so simple to make. It would be lovely to make and dip sweet potato fries into.

This dish may not have any meat but this Spicy Chickpea Buddha Bowl  does not leave you feeling deprived and definitely not hungry, it is filling,  full of texture and flavours and one of those meals that you just do not want to end.

The kale really does take a back seat, not only are the chickpeas amazing, but so are the sweet potatoes, I just love them roasted, they are so yummy. Sweet potatoes are a source of four essential micronutrients: vitamin C, thiamin, potassium and manganese and generally are so much better for you than white potatoes. We replace white potatoes with them every time, they make great fries, chips and are so fab mashed on top of a Shepherds Pie.

Again a dish of so many wonderful flavours, but also ridiculously healthy, loaded with four kinds of vegetables, fibre and protein rich chickpeas, a maple-tahini sauce that’s so good you’ll want to put it on everything, its healthy, it is the perfectly satisfying plant-based meal. Also with all of the resent buddha bowl recipes that I have brought you, you can mix and match to create your own, they are great as a main meal or taken to school/work for a fantastic lunch.

So thats me done, I am off now to get a little bit of pampering, but I hope you have enjoyed this recipe and I hope you all have a fabulous weekend.

Buon appetito

sweet potato buddha bowl

Vegan, Gluten Free
Serves: 2-3

2 Tbsp olive oil, melted coconut, or grape seed oil
1/2 red onion, sliced in wedges
2 large sweet potatoes, halved
1 bundle (227 g) tender stem broccoli, large stems removed, chopped
2 big handfuls kale, larger stems removed
1/4 tsp each salt + pepper

For the Chickpeas:-
1 15-ounce (425 g) chickpeas, drained, rinsed + patted dry
1 tsp cumin
3/4 tsp chili powder
3/4 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp each salt + pepper
1/2 tsp oregano (optional)
1/4 tsp turmeric (optional)

For the Tahini Sauce :-
1/4 cup (56 g) tahini
1 Tbsp maple syrup
1/2 lemon, juiced
2-4 Tbsp hot water to thin
Preheat oven to 400F/200C and arrange the sweet potatoes and onions on a baking sheet. Drizzle both with a bit of oil, making sure the flesh of the sweet potatoes are well coated and placed skin side down on the sheet.

Bake for 10 minutes, then remove from oven flip sweet potatoes and add broccoli. Drizzle broccoli with a bit of oil and season with a pinch each salt and pepper. Bake for another 8-10 minutes, then remove from oven and add kale. Drizzle kale with a touch more oil and season with a pinch each salt and pepper.

Bake for another 4-5 minutes then set aside.

While vegetables are roasting, heat a large skillet/pan over medium heat and add chickpeas to a mixing bowl and toss with seasonings.

Once hot, add 1 Tbsp of oil and chickpeas and sauté, stirring frequently. If they’re browning too quickly, turn down heat. If there isn’t much browning going on, increase heat. Hubby was cooking (AGAIN, bless him)  and found 10 minutes total over a medium heat was just right.

Once the chickpeas are browned and fragrant, remove from heat and set aside.


Prepare sauce by adding tahini, maple syrup and lemon juice to a mixing bowl and whisking to combine. Add hot water until a pourable sauce is formed. Set aside.

To serve: Slice sweet potatoes into bite size pieces. Divide vegetables between 3 serving bowls and top with chickpeas + tahini sauce.

Note : This dish is best eaten when fresh, but will keep for a few days in the fridge.

Calories: 474
