I’m back, I survived, I ate cleanly and healthy!!!

Where have I been you may be asking yourself, Vegas Baby!!! Now this may come as a shock to those who know me, ‘Vegas’, Diana would never go to Vegas, she would hate it, but Hubby had a conference there for work, he wouldn’t go on his own so I got dragged into it, so I spent a week in Vegas. The weeks leading up to it I fretted about leaving the kids, getting packed, etc, but my biggest worry was what on earth was I going to eat out there, I did so much research trying to find healthy places to eat before I went and came up with nothing.

So imagine my surprise when I got there and found that the food was utterly amazing, it is so much easier to eat out on a diet like mine in Vegas than it is here in the UK, every menu has healthy choices, many are marked as vegan and also have the calories counted for you. I fell in love with one dessert and I have been scouring the internet to get my hands on the recipe, once I have found it I will post it on here for you all, its vegan, delicious and low in calories, I have been craving it every day since I returned.

So, the reason behind my header photo is, that it doesn’t matter where you are, you can still eat well and the reason why I have chosen this recipe to support this is that it is like a big bowl of Vegas sunshine and so quick to prepare. Hubby and I are currently hooked on ‘The Walking Dead’, (I know, another shock, not my usual taste in TV shows!!!!) and this is what we like to call ‘perfect Zombie food’, not only does is take minutes to make, giving you more tv watching time on a busy weeknight, but you can sit in front of the television stuffing your face. I know I do not normally advocate TV dinners, but sometimes when you are shattered after work, you are into a great TV series, it just has to be done.

This salad, maybe fast and easy, its even relatively cheap, but it is not fake. Citrus Chicken Salad is a bowl of sunshine, its crispy, fresh, invigorating, extremely good for you, hearty and healthy. I loved the zing from the mandarins, the crunch from the lettuce, but what truly brings this salad together is the fabulous sesame ginger dressing.

As a dinner this works, as I said it is so filling, but if you left the chicken off, it would also be a great side salad or a dish for a party or BBQ.

Well I am afraid that this is the only sunshine I can offer you at the moment, we did not manage to bring the Vegas sunshine back with us, but heres hoping and longing for hot summer evenings, eating dinner in the garden and enjoying delicious salads like this Citrus Chicken Salad and Vegas maybe fast, cheap, easy and fake, but the food isn’t!

Vegas is still my idea of hell on earth, but I will miss the great food.

Buon appetito

citrus chicken salad

Serves 4

2 boneless skinless chicken breasts, pounded to even thickness + salt and pepper to taste
6-8 cups mixed spring greens (or preferred lettuce)
1 red pepper, chopped
⅓ cup shelled edamame
½ cup mandarin oranges
1 cucumber, sliced
1 cup wonton strips (please see note below)
⅓ cup Cashew Halves
½ cup olive oil
¼ cup rice vinegar
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon sesame oil
½ teaspoon ground ginger

Whisk together all dressing ingredients and set aside.

Season chicken on both sides with salt and pepper to taste. Cook in a greased skillet over medium heat for 5-6 minutes on each side or until cooked through.

Remove from heat and allow to rest for 5 minutes before slicing into strips.

Toss together the lettuce, red peppers, edamame, mandarin oranges, and cucumbers and divide between 4 plates.


Top each with an equal serving of chicken.

Top with wonton strips and cashews and drizzle with dressing.

If desired, sprinkle with sesame seeds before serving.

Note : We didn’t add the wonton strips, but you could or I would love to add the sumac pitta croutons from my favourite Fattoush Salad .

citrus chicken salad