As I have mentioned, I have a huge back log of recipes to get onto the blog, I am also supposed to be getting ready to go out, as tonight we are off to The Bell in Godstone, I love it there, but  I just had to type this one up before I went. This one I have mentioned on a few occasions, it is the Vegan Tapioca Coconut Dessert that I fell in love with in Vegas, if you love milky, comforting desserts then this is one for you. I am also very pleased that I found the perfect recipe on the first go, so no wasting of ingredients or time trying endless recipes.

Now firstly, just incase you have never heard of tapioca pearls let me introduce you to them…

tapioca pearls

They are in no way like the vile tapioca of dreaded school dinners but do still take some getting use to as they are a little frog spawn like! If you have heard of Chinese bubble tea or even tried it, you would of come across these funny little things before. They start off as tiny little white balls, that Luca described as the stuff that they use for packing, but when they are soaked they come to life. I used coconut milk as I wanted my tapioca to be very tropical tasting, but you can use what ever you like, these tapioca pearls are very good at taking on and absorbing flavour.

When Luca came home I got him to taste test for me, he can sometimes be a little funny about texture and to be honest I thought that he may hate this, but no, he absolutely loved it, his exact words were, OMG this is amazing!

So now you can see why I had to get the photo’s taken quickly, this was not going to be around for long. I am however hiding some as it will be a great breakfast tomorrow morning, served with lots of fresh fruit and my espresso it will be a great start to the day.

Luca enjoyed his with some fresh local Kent strawberries, it may be a cold May bank holiday but the strawberries smelt of Summer and were delicious.


Try serving with fruit, nuts and seeds as a healthy breakfast or maybe try chocolate milk and chocolate shavings for a naughty version, but I just hope that you love it just as much as Luca and I do.

So wether you have it for breakfast, or maybe dressed up in fancy glasses for a dessert its a winner.

Buon appetito

(Sorry if this post is a little rushed, hopefully not to many errors, I am sure Hubby will point them out later)

Vegan Tapioca Coconut Dessert

Serves: 3 – 4


⅓ cup small tapioca pearls
1 cup non-dairy milk {I used coconut milk}
1 can full fat coconut milk
⅓ – ½ cup liquid sweetener {depending on how sweet you like it. I used 5 tablespoons of maple syrup and it was sweet enough, even for my sweet tooth}
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
pinch of salt

Soak the tapioca pearls in the 1 cup of non-dairy milk for about an hour.


Transfer soaked tapioca pearls mixture {pearls and any unabsorbed liquid} into a saucepan and add coconut milk, your sweetener of choice, vanilla, and salt. Bring contents to a boil on medium heat, stirring occasionally. Reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes continuing to stir occasionally.

Remove from heat and allow the pudding to cool.

Divide it between some glass bowls or jars into portions.

I can be served hot, but allow to cool for about 10 minutes.

Traditionally eaten cold, serve with fresh fruit, honey, nuts, what ever takes your fancy.

Enjoy for a gluten-free vegan dessert or breakfast!

Vegan Tapioca Coconut Dessert