Healthy Banana Bread ! Now I know that you are thinking, ‘she already has recipes on the blog for banana bread, whats so different about this one’? The difference is that the others are just banana bread or clean eating banana bread, this recipe is for Hemsley and Hemsley’s Banana Bread! Its still really healthy and good for you, but the difference in this recipe is cinnamon.

The reason I like to bring you so many different versions of the same recipe is so that you can choose the one that suits you best. You may not be worried about it being healthy, you may not care that it is clean, you may hate cinnamon! Having a choice just means there may just be the right recipe for you.

I decided to make this version of healthy banana bread after watching the girls make it on ‘Eating Well with Hemsley and Hemsley’, I just knew that Luca would love it and that it would be great to share with a nice cup of tea for his after school snack. The Hemsley girls call this a breakfast bread, which Luca has also been enjoying it as, they also make a fab blueberry chia jam to serve with theirs which I will be making soon as Luca loves blueberries, but I have been having mine plain with a fresh espresso to get me through the dreaded afternoon energy slump and Luca has been enjoying his smothered in honey in the afternoons and for breakfast!! I think that boy would smother everything in honey if he could!

I am not a huge fan of cinnamon, but Luca is and I was rather concerned about the amount that this recipe uses, but it was just perfect, not to strong or overwhelming, but a subtle hint which would make this a perfect autumn/winter version of banana bread.

Well enough thinking about autumn/winter, the sun is out and it is glorious here. Three blog posts done and now it is time to get the washing in and put away, ready in time to put the kettle on for when Luca walks through the door from school.

Buon appetito

banana bread

Serves 8 to 10

4 bananas, mash 350g and save leftover banana to decorate the top of the loaf
1⁄2 cup coconut flour 60g
1 tbs cinnamon
1 pinch salt
4 eggs
50g/4 tbs coconut oil, melted
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1.5 tsp baking soda
1 tbs Apple Cider Vinegar
1/2 tbs maple syrup for the batter plus ½ tbs for the top

Preheat oven to 180ºC and line a loaf tin with baking parchment and pour the mixture in.

Whisk dry ingredients, then stir in all the wet ingredients using only ½ tbs maple syrup and mix until smooth. Alternatively throw everything into a food processor and blend until smooth (I threw everything into the food processor, so much quicker).


Decorate the top with slices of excess banana and drizzle over the other ½ tablespoon of maple syrup to make a gloss.

banana bread

Bake at 180ºC for 50 mins.

Cool on a rack completely before turning out of the tin, slicing and eating.

banana bread

Note –  You could also top this with walnuts, goji berries, pumpkin seeds, what ever takes your fancy really, I am sure that it will be just perfect what ever you choose.

banana bread