This recipe for Mediterranean Gnocchi, is so quick, so easy, has so few ingredients and only has two steps to its instructions, so I am going to bore you with a few photo’s that I have taken over the last couple of weeks…


My eldest Son Simon with his gorgeous little Son, Mason, born 12th March 2017, he is just so adorable. Welcome to the family Little Man.

Brighton Beach

Me chilling on Brighton Beach – Marathon Weekend

Bedgbury Pinetum

Bedgbury Pinetum – this place is just so beautiful, but you do have to go off of the beaten track to escape everyone, but so worth it, we sat among the redwoods with the sun streaming through and enjoyed our picnic, it was just so tranquil and healing.

Bodiam Castle

Bodiam Castle – the weather wasn’t great, so the photos from the day do not do this majestic ruin justice, but on the bright side there were fewer people there and we really got a good look around the place, the castle stairs inside the ruins are so steep, a great work out!

Well I won’t bore you anymore, but just an idea of some of the things that I have been up to lately! You can see why my life is such a juggling act with so much always going on, this is why I need speedy recipes like this Mediterranean Gnocchi, everything is prepped and ready, all you need to do is throw it all together. Yes you can make your own fresh gnocchi, prepare your own pesto from scratch, cut up and chargrill your own veggies, but there are so many other exciting and fun things that you could be doing, I have gone from a person who cleans the house every day to someone that now only manages to do it once a week, if I can chill, anyone can! It doesn’t hurt to cheat sometimes.

Buon appetito

Mediterranean Gnocchi

Serves 2 – 353 calories

400g gnocchi
200g chargrilled vegetables (from the deli counter – I used chargrilled peppers, aubergines, artichokes and semi-dried tomatoes)
2 tbsp red pesto
A handful of basil leaves
Parmesan or pecorino (or vegetarian alternative, I get a gorgeous one from Ocado),to serve.

Boil a large pan of salted water.Add the gnocchi, cook for 2 mins or until it rises to the surface (or as directed on the packet), then drain and tip back into the pan with a splash of reserved cooking water.

Add the chargrilled veg, chopped into pieces if large, red pesto and basil leaves.Serve with shavings of Parmesan or pecorino (or vegetarian alternative).