Its been so long since I last posted, life is soooo busy that I just do not know where to begin. I have changed my job, studying and learning a whole new career, working, having a life, its so hard to juggle everything, but my gorgeous daughter recently started up her own business and part of that business is diet and nutrition, she has totally embraced this and so I have had to really think about the food that I cook for us every evening and so have found some really great healthy recipes that are quick, nutritious and that I just have to share with you and this Vegan Red Pesto Pasta just had to be the first post of many, its so good.

It is very easy to make, a little roasting, a little whizz in the blender and hey presto… you have pesto !!! Its such a wonderful, tasty, extremely healthy vegan dinner.

Even the fussy eaters loved this one and there were empty bowls all round.

Boun appetito

Note: If you want to find out more about Rosie’s gorgeous vegan beauty products and diet please feel free to contact her, she will happily chat or Skype you and tell you more. You can contact her here…..

Trust me, I am totally sold, just seeing her weight loss, her glowing clear skin, energy and belief in her product is amazing.

Vegan Red Pesto Pasta


250 g cherry tomatoes
2 red peppers (roughly sliced)
4 garlic cloves
Olive oil
Pinch of salt and pepper
Large handful basil
30 g pine nuts
2 tbsp nutritional yeast
2 sun dried tomatoes
Half a lemon (juice only)
280 g wholewheat pasta
Rocket (for serving)

Preheat oven to 200°C or 390°F.

Place the tomatoes, peppers and garlic cloves in an oven dish. Season with salt and pepper, and drizzle with a little olive oil. Mix with your hands to combine, then place in the oven for 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, cook the pasta as per the packet instructions.

Remove the oven dish from the oven and transfer the peppers and the garlic (remove the skin) to a blender. Leave the tomatoes in the dish. Then add the basil, pine nuts, nutritional yeast, sun dried tomatoes and lemon juice to the blender, and blend until smooth to create the pesto.

Combine the cooked pasta and red pepper pesto with the roasted tomatoes in the baking dish, or mix everything together in a separate bowl. Stir until the all the pasta is covered with the pesto.

Sprinkle with rocket and a drizzle of lemon juice.

Vegan Red Pesto Pasta