I was unsure if I should post this Vegan Lemon Loaf Cake recipe, I have been really unwell this week and have had no taste buds, so normally I always taste a recipe and if it gets my seal of approval then I post it !! This Lemon Loaf was so simple to make, looks great but when I did the taste test I couldn’t even begin to tell you if it was any good or not.

What changed my mine and made the final decision for me was that the cake lasted only a matter of hours, one minute it was there, next it was gone !! The biggest surprise was that Luca had eaten most of it and he doesn’t normally even like anything lemony !!! He said his favourite bit was the lovely texture, which is interesting because the one thing that most cake lovers dislike about vegan cakes is the texture. So I felt that this was very high praise and as it is such a lovely simple cake to make I thought I might as well post it.

I only ever post recipes that I know I will make again and after the success of this one I think it may become a regular in our house.

Buon appetito

2 cups plain flour 

1 1/2 tsp baking powder

3/4 tsp salt

1/4 tsp bicarbonate soda

1 cup golden caster sugar

3/4 cup milk of choice – I used KoKo Coconut Milk

1/2 cup plain yogurt, I used Alpro 

1/4 cup vegetable/sunflower oil (or sub applesauce for fat free)

1/4 cup lemon juice

Zest of 1 large or 2 small lemons (1 tbsp total – don’t omit)

1 tsp pure vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 180c. 

Grease or line a 9×5 loaf pan, I always use parchment paper. 

In a large bowl, combine all dry ingredients. 

Whisk liquid ingredients in a separate bowl, combine wet and dry, then stir until just evenly mixed. 

Spread into the pan. Bake for 50-55 minutes, or until the loaf has risen and a screwer inserted comes out clean. 

I made a very simple icing of lemon juice and icing sugar to decorate.

Note : The recipe works with spelt, white, oat, or gluten free all purpose flour. The recipe said that it also works with almond flour, but doesn’t rise the same. I was rushing and took it out of the oven to soon, it could of done with the full 55 minutes, but ovens vary, so just keep and eye on it and check with the screwer.