As well as cheese I also love eggs, especially scrambled eggs on toast, fried eggs on toast, poached eggs on toast , just eggs on toast basically !! So finding this recipe for vegan scrambled tofu was a complete revelation and I know that I said this about the vegan bread and butter pudding but this is incredible and I really don’t think I would ever eat scrambled eggs ever again.

This recipe is unbelievably tasty, so quick and so easy, you can add or reduce the chilli to taste, but the measurements below were just perfect for myself and Luca.

It was great on its own just served on a yummy toasted bread of choice, but you could add mashed avocado or serve it with a full vegan English breakfast. You may have your doubts, you may think that you don’t like tofu, but this really takes tofu to a whole new level. Enjoy !

Health Note : I am not a Turmeric fan, but I am aware of its many health benefits and this recipe is a great way to incorporate turmeric into your diet without even realising its there. Turmeric is used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat inflammation, both inside and out, others uses are cancer prevention and treatment, plus treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and infections. It is a great antioxidant and may also help improve the symptoms of depression. I have recently been thinking about taking it in capsule form, but would much rather incorporate it into my diet via food, and if any of the above claims work, I will be a happy bunny. Lets face it, if its not harming you, there is no harm in trying.

Buon appetito

  • 2 tbsp olive oil or coconut oil 
  • 225g/8oz extra-firm tofu 
  • ½ tsp ground turmeric 
  • ½ tsp garlic  powder
  • ½ tsp chilli flakes, or to taste
  • ¼ tsp smoked paprika 
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper 

Heat the oil in a pan.

Drain the Tofu and crumble into a bowl. Mix the spices in a small bowl and then scatter over the tofu, gently without breaking up the tofu further mix the spices through.

Tip into the frying pan and gently heat though for a couple of minutes or so. Add a splash of water if the tofu looks to dry.

Serve on your favourite toasted bread, we had a lovely mixed seed granary.

Tip : Would be lovely served on mashed avocado or as part of a full vegan English breakfast.