And I am finally back !!!! I know I promised that it wouldn’t be ages this time, but hey, life has away of getting in the way !! I am now back, a whole new me, a whole new out look on life and I will be bringing you posts that are healthy, support woman over 50, woman who want to look and feel their best, woman need to empower other woman. Life begins at 50 !!! Well it has for me !!!

I have a new home, new car, new job and in a very happy place, so I decided that as menopause decided to start to show around my tummy that I would take control of my diet, lifestyle and exercise routines. I started to run again, I turned my spare bedroom into a fabulous gym and I started to lift weights and joined a Pole Fitness class (which is so much fun), I am now in better shape than I was in my 20’s. It is never too late, age is just a number.

So I am starting you off with this very simple but very satisfying breakfast of baked oats. Its warming to eat as the mornings become colder and fills you up until your next meal. Add fruit for one or two of your five a day and you are on to a winner.

I start my day with bovine collagen and MCT oil mixed into my favourite coffee perked on the hob, then if I am on the late I work out and then eat something like this baked oats before heading off to my shift. I have a sweet tooth so these slightly sweetened baked oats are packed with the goodness of oats, bananas, and berries with delicious cake-like textures that suit me down to the ground.

So its good to be back and I will be bringing you lots of delicious new recipes, mostly virtuous, but you know I will sneak a naughty one in every now and then. Life is to short to deprive yourself of the good things in life 😉

Enjoy, Love D 💋

Calories: 397kcals


1 banana

1/2 cup of quotes
1 egg 

1 tablespoon maple syrup

1 teaspoon baking powder 

¼ teaspoon salt (I use a little less as I use Himalayan Salt)

Raspberries, or any berries you like

Optional toppings

Nut butters, Maple Syrup, Honey, Seeds, Nuts, Yoghurt.



Lightly grease a 5 x5 dish or ramekin. Preheat oven to 350F, 180C.

Add oats to the blender. Add banana, egg, and maple syrup. Add baking powder and salt. Blend it all together until you get a smooth batter. 

Pour the batter into the greased dish. Top with berries. Bake for 20 minutes. 

Top the baked oats with your choice of optional toppings. Enjoy warm or at room temperature. 

I doubled the quantity and used a bigger dish, but great if you are flying solo for breakfast or make a large bowl if feeding the family.