So I suppose this isn’t really a recipe so to speak, but its a recipe that I never want to lose, a recipe I make every single day and a recipe that has been a Superhero Coffee to me and has really improved my health in so many ways.

My coffee making in the morning is actually a ritual , it is a self-care ritual that is just for me, a space where I can tune-in to myself, my mood and my aspirations for the day, the process is never rushed, it has to be prepared on the hob in my Bialetti and served in my favourite mug, then I take my coffee back to bed, watch the News for a bit and then I get up ready for the day a head, I have done this for so many years but only for the last year have I discovered SUPERHERO COFFEE and all its wonderful support, it’s been a game changer.

So lets break down the ingredients and tell you about what they bring to the party….

COLLAGEN PEPTIDES – I use Bovine Collagen which I always buy from Hunter & Gather, it pays to shop around for it as it really varies in price on their website, Ocado and Amazon, I just go with who has the best deal on at the time. COLLAGEN PEPTIDES improves gut health, revitalises skin health, helps with faster recovery time, fortifies hair and nails, gives optimal joint and muscle support and elevates energy levels. COLLAGEN PEPTIDES are most definitely the most important supplement I added into my diet when I started my Menopause journey.

MCT OIL – as above I always buy my MCT OIL from Hunter & Gather, they call it “THRIVE FUEL/TRANSFORM YOUR EVERDAY”, and boy they are not kidding, this again is truly a supplement that truly saved me!!! MCT OIL is a coconut oil, has no palm oil in it and the Hunter & Gather one is 60% C8 and 40%C10. MCT OIL is a healthy fat source which naturally increases your ketone production, supports brain health and energy, its also helps with cognitive function.

RAW CACAO POWDER – now this little beauty gives my morning coffee the taste of pure luxury and is so sublime and it’s hard to believe that it is just so good for you! CACAO is full of flavonoids and antioxidants which can help reduce inflammation and improve blood flow. So on doing some research on WebMD the list of CACAO benefits are as follows, lowers blood pressure, reduces diabetes risk, lowers chances of heart disease , reduces inflammation, improves mood, improves brain function, enhances performance , its full of iron, potassium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and fibre. I am not saying or claiming it does do all of the above, but when it tastes this amazing you have nothing to lose it popping it into your morning coffee.

RAW HONEY – now this is one of my favourite superfoods and it takes all my willpower to stop myself from getting a spoon and just eating the entire jar in one sitting !!!!! RAW HONEY is a good source of antioxidants, antibacterial, antifungal , heals wounds, its a phytonutrient powerhouse, helps with digestive issues, soothes sore throats and coughs, supports brain function , its full of calcium, magnesium, manganese, niacin, pantothenic acid, phosphorus, potassium, riboflavin and zinc, and a varying amount of amino acids, enzymes and so many other beneficial compounds and it tastes soooooo good.

So now all you need is a good organic coffee and prepare it in your preferred fashion, I hope you love SUPERHERO COFFEE as much as I do, it really has been a game changer for me and I hope for you to.

Love Di 💋

Ground Coffee (of your choice)

1 Tablespoon MCT OIL

1 Teaspoon of Raw Honey

1 Tablespoon of Collagen Peptides

1 Tablespoon of Raw Cacao Powder

  • Please note that you may need to work up to 1 Tablespoon of the MCT OIL and Collagen, please read the instructions on the packaging as it can take a while for your body to adjust to them, this is normal and your body soon learns to love them*
  1. First start by brewing your favourite coffee in your preferred fashion.
  2. Grab your favourite mug and add a tablespoon of the cacao and the collagen , don’t add the honey or MCT Oil at this point as I learned the hard way, THEY DO NOT MIX WELL !!! It’s not nice at all .
  3. When your coffee is brewed either with a spoon, tiny whisk or frother, pour the coffee over the powders whisking as you pour to combine them well, removing any lumps and ensuring that your not left with a nasty sludge at the bottom of your cup.
  4. Next add a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of the MCT Oil and again whisk well.
  5. Now drink, savor, enjoy your coffee, and enjoy your day.