I may of mentioned in previous posts that I am obsessed with anything hygge , fika and basically anything Nordic, especially Nordic baking, I have quite a few recipes already on the blog, but I really do not think it can hurt to have a few more !!! I do in fact already have a Kladdkaka recipe on the blog https://www.gelsominascucina.com/2016/03/kladdkaka.html this is a very very special post as it was the recipe that I used to introduce you all to my gorgeous first born Grandson. Tommie is now 8 !!! Where the time has gone I do not know, but what I do know is that this very special little boy has brought me so much pleasure, so many blessings and truly is my best friend.

Kladdkaka is a favourite fika cake all over Sweden and I can see why, this vegan version was so quick to make, baked quickly and came out perfectly gooey in the middle, it was a most welcome Monday evening treat after an extremely busy day at work. Kladd means sticky, and if you get your baking times right, don’t be afraid to remove it from the oven while it is still wobbly and the skewer comes out wet and you will have a rich and indulgent treat.

As simple as this Kladdkaka is, it really can hold its own, served warm with fresh whipped vegan cream or a delicious vegan ice cream, it truly would make a great dessert for a dinner party or family get together. I know a certain little 8 year old boy who would just love it, the apple did not fall far from the Nonna tree when it comes to his sweet tooth !!!

I hope I am not boring you with all these vegan recipes, but with so many people trying a plant based diet it is really lovely researching great alternatives for the foods we all love, without compromising on flavour and taste. Where possible I will always link the non-vegan version of a recipe if I have one already on the blog, that way you can try both and see how they compare.

I hope you all have a good week and I hope you all find time for a FIKA moment.

Love Di đź’‹

150ml Aquafaba

180g Caster Sugar (I always use golden)

150g Plain Flour

40g Cocoa Powder (I used Green & Blacks)

2 teaspoons of Baking Powder

1/4 teaspoon salt

100ml Rapeseed Oil (Canola)

Icing Sugar for dusting

Vegan Ice Cream, Custard or Whipped Cream to serve

Preheat the oven, 200 C, 400 F, Gas 6.

Line a 20cm round cake tin with parchment paper, I used a loose bottom one as it makes it easier to remove your cake.

In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the Aquafaba and sugar until white and fluffy, this can take a few minutes.

In a separate bowl, combine the flour, cocoa powder, baking powder and salt, then gently fold into the Aquafaba and sugar mixture. Be gentle as you don’t want to knock all the air out of your mixture.

Add the rapeseed oil and stir gently until smooth, try not to over mix, then pour the batter into your prepared tin.

Bake in the middle of the oven for 13 to 15 minutes until firm around the edges and dry to the touch, but a skewer inserted into the middle of the cake still comes out wet !!! Be brave !!! I know your use to inserting a skewer and it coming out clean, but the Kladdkaka will continue to set while it cools and if you over bake you will not get that gooey centre. Remove from the oven and allow to cool completely in the tin on a wire rack.

Once cool, dust the top of the cake with icing sugar and serve with your chosen topping.