It’s Saturday again and the house is smelling amazing with the aroma of baking. Today I decided to try these Hallongrottor as I think they resemble a Jammy Dodger and my Grandson absolutely loves Jammy Dodgers. To the point where he has a secret stash in my home so that he always has some for when he comes to visit. This came about because when his Uncle Luca lived at home he ate Freddie’s Jammy Dodgers and Freddie was not happy at all, so now, even though Luca no longer lives at home Freddie still hides his Jammy Dodgers !!!!

I appreciate my weekends so much, I always make sure I spend time with friends and family, doing the things that I love and I make sure I take time out for myself to recover from my week, today has been a perfect Saturday, I have had such a lovely day today, I enjoyed a FIKA moment with Jo this afternoon and we enjoyed some of the Hallongrottor, then I went for a late even stroll with the GrandDog to do a little Urbex reconnaissance , its was really cool being there so late and in the dark, it gave the place a really different feel, a bit like a ghost town, but really looking forward to going back tomorrow and exploring.

I don’t know about you guys but I have such a busy week ahead, I always need the weekend to recover from my week and prepare for the week that is to come. Next week I am only at work for 3 days but I have so much planned for the week !! I am especially excited that on Thursday I am getting a new tattoo. I plan to bake, Urbex, hike, eat delicious food and spend time with the people I love and care about the most. Life passes by in a flash, so we need to make every day count.

So I wish you all a fabulous week, love Di 💋

240g plain flour

90g caster sugar

1 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla powder or 1 teaspoon of vanilla bean paste

200g vegan margarine (make sure your margarine is really soft before you start because if its to cold the dough will be crumbly and will not come together).

100ml raspberry jam (I only had strawberry in so used that and in the summer when I have a new batch of homemade jams I will use these)

Preheat the oven, 200C/400F/Gas 6

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

In a large mixing bowl combine all the dry ingredients.

Add the margarine to the dry mixture and using your fingertips to rub it into the dough until it resembles breadcrumbs, then start to bring it all together into a dough. (I didn’t have vanilla powder, so used my usual extract and just added it at this stage.

Divide into 30 even sized pieces and roll into a ball between the palm of your hands. I made mine to big and they spread to much, but hey, they still taste amazing ! Place each dough ball on to your baking tray, make sure you allow enough room for each cookie to spread whilst baking.

Using your thumb, gently press down in the centre of each ball, you want to create a little well for the jam, so be careful not to press all the way thru, if you make a hole you will have jam every where !!! Carefully fill each well with a little of your jam of choice.

Bake in the middle of the oven for 10 to 15 minutes, your cookies are ready when golden around the edges.

Remove from the oven and allow your cookies to completely cool on the baking tray before trying to move them, they will be very fragile and set while they cool.

Store in an airtight container for up top to 2 weeks, or they can be frozen.