Saturday again and time to bake before setting off for a hike with Jo. Todays bake is a vegan version of a cake I already have on the blog so I won’t bore you with the story of where the name Toscakaka came from or the origins of this cake because I have already been there and done that, so instead I will tell you about my fabulous walk instead and probably still bore you !!!!

We set off earlier than originally planned as the weather forecast changed and we didn’t fancy getting drenched, so headed off at midday across extremely muddy, slippery and flooded fields which I always love as you get such a good glute and leg work out whilst playing Russian roulette with staying upright, also there were many floods to wade through which my inner child absolutely loved. I still love to splash in puddles !!!

We only did 5 miles today as we wanted to get back before the rain started but as always it was precious time with one of my most favourite people in the world, someone I can be truly myself with, say what ever I want, discuss everything and anything and never be judged , we all need someone like that in our lives and I am very grateful to have Jo.

Right, time for another slice of Toscakaka and a nice cup of tea, the tag on my teabag says “Let’s have some tea and continue to talk about happy things “, I couldn’t agree more.

Love Di 💋


150ml Aquafaba (I used Oggs)

90g caster sugar

240g plain flour (plus a little to dust the tin)

2 teaspoons baking powder

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon vanilla bean paste

125g vegan margarine (I use Flora)

150ml plant milk of choice


100g vegan margarine

70g caster sugar

1 tablespoon plain flour

1 tablespoon oat milk

100g flaked almonds

Preheat the oven to 180 C (350F/Gas 4)

Grease a deep 20cm round cake tin and dust with flour. Mine tin wasn’t deep enough and the topping bubbled over, made a right mess of my oven !!! Lesson learnt, used a deeper pan !!!!

Put the Aquafaba and sugar in a large mixing bowl and beat until fluffy and white, you will need an electric hand whisk or stand mixer as this does take a while to beat up. You are looking to get a consistency similar to when to make meringue, the fluffier the better as you need lots of air in your batter.

In a separate bowl, combine the flour, baking powder and salt, I always sieve mine so that there are no lumps and you create a little more air, then gently fold this into the Aquafaba and sugar mixture.

Melt the margarine in a small pan over a low heat then stir in the plant milk and vanilla extract. Pour this into the cake batter and mix everything to combine.

Pour the cake batter into your prepared tin then bake in the lower part of the oven for 35 to 45 minutes, until the sponge is set. Remove from the oven and allow the sponge to cool completely in the tin. I decided to go with 35 minutes as I felt that the cake would be over cooked, especially as it had to go back into the oven for the topping !!! I was wrong, I should of left it a little longer, obviously different ovens vary, but do make sure your cake is cooked, I will know to leave it longer next time.

Once the cake is cooled preheat your oven to 200C (400F/Gas6)

Add all he topping ingredients (except the almonds) to a small saucepan and warm over a low heat. As soo as bubbles start to appear and the sugar has dissolved, remove from the stove and stir in the almonds.

Cover the sponge with the almond mixture and then return to the oven on the middle shelf for 20 to 30 minutes, or until golden brown. Keep an eye on it as you don’t want your topping to burn.

Remove from the oven to a wire rack and allow the cake to cool completely in the tin.

Enjoy, you really will not notice this is vegan, it tastes as equally as amazing as the Toscakaka recipe above.