Finally yesterday the sun came out and it was T-Shirt weather, it is also Bluebell time in the woodlands so naturally I had to get outside and enjoy the beautiful countryside that I am so blessed to be in a short walking distance of, but before we left I of course had to bake for our return and for any visitors that were likely to pop in over the weekend.

I decided that a quick classic but with a twist was required, inspired by our recent trip to Sugar Mama’s I decided to use my classic fail safe brownie recipe and add a layer of syrupy cornflakes as a topping, the results were very very moreish but utterly delicious.

This is a simple and very quick recipe to bake, one that you could easily make with children but the results are very impressive.

You could of course make these vegan with a few simple adjustments, you could use my vegan brownie recipe and use vegan butter when making the Cornflake topping.

So however you enjoy your Brownies, vegan or non-vegan I hope you have all had a lovely weekend, enjoyed a hygge/fika moment of self care alone or with family and friends and are ready to embrace the week a head.

Love Di 💋


375g soft unsalted butter

375g best-quality dark chocolate

6 large eggs

1 tablespoon vanilla extract

500g caster sugar (I like to use golden caster sugar)

225g plain flour

1 teaspoon salt

300g chopped walnuts (optional)

Tin measuring 33 x 23 x 5 1/2cm

Preheat the oven to 180c, gas mark 4

Line your brownie tin.

Melt the butter and chocolate together in a large heavy based pan. In a bowl or large wide-mouthed measuring jug, beat the eggs with the sugar and vanilla. Measure the flour into another bowl and add the salt.

When the chocolate mixture has melted, let it cool a bit before beating in the eggs and sugar, and then the nuts and flour. Beat to combine smoothly and then scrape out of the saucepan into the lined pan.

Bake for about 25 minutes. When it’s ready, the top should be dried to a paler brown speckle, but the middle still dark and dense & gooey.

Allow to cool completely in the pan as you will need to add the Cornflake topping whilst the brownies are still in the pan.


120g Unsalted Butter

240g Golden Syrup

260g Cornflakes

Pinch of Salt

Melt the butter, preferably in a non-stick pan with the Golden Syrup over a low heat on the hob.

Once melted and fully combined pour over your Cornflakes stirring as you go, make sure you really mix the buttery mix all the way through, giving your Cornflakes a really good even coating.

Then tip the Cornflake mix over your tray of cooled Brownies, even the mixture out, pressing down gently, especially around the edges of the pan, pop the tray into the fridge for a little while to set.

Then enjoy ! I cut mine into freakishly large squares as inspired by Sugar Mama’s creations, but then I do have a very very sweet tooth 💋