So I had a little health scare!!! I have kept active all my life, never smoked, never really drunk and have given up alcohol completely since January, I have been mainly vegetarian since I was 15, I always keep an eye on my weight, on the outside I think I am doing rather well, however…. GENETICS have caught up with me and things have gone a little haywire, on the bright side I am glad that I have always been the way I am, if I hadn’t of been I am sure that I would of not made it past 40, but I have got this, with diet and nutrition I know I am going to be ok, but I have had to give up my beloved sugary treats, so I am now on a mission to find healthy low sugar or sugar free cakes, I have gone cold turkey for the last 3 weeks and I really am not missing all the refined sugary crap I use to eat for comfort , my energy is returning, I have lost over 1/2 stone already and I think I am looking more healthy than I ever have.

So here is my first recipe, a delicious, rich and indulgent chocolate cake using a sugar substitute, avocados for the frosting, no fats, good quality chocolate and cacao, I am not going to lie, I didn’t have high hopes, but actually its one of the nicest cakes I have ever had.

Now I have a basic chocolate sponge that works I could make more layers, fill it with fruit, dress it up and make a spectacular birthday cake, the frosting would be delicious with strawberries and I might even try putting the frosting in ramekins in the fridge and see how it turns out as a mousse, you could add peppermint essence or orange and create a delicious dessert.

So please join me on my new journey (I am also learning to ride a motorbike, so watch this space) and I hope to bring you lots of new healthy treats.

Love Di 💋

1 Cup Almond Flour

1/4 Cup of good quality Cocoa Powder (I used Green & Blacks)

100g of melted 70% dark chocolate

1/2 cup NKD Living Erythritol Gold (Sugar Substitute – I got mine from Amazon)

1/2 teaspoon Bicarbonate Soda

4 eggs

For the frosting :-

2 medium ripe Avocados

50g melted 70% dark chocolate

30g 70% dark chocolate shavings

1/4 cup of Cacao

1/2 cup of NKD Living Erythritol Gold (Sugar Substitute)

100ml unsweetened Almond Milk

Line and grease a 8 x 8 inch cake tin.

Oven 160C

For the cake batter combine all the dry ingredients in a large bowl and then using a balloon whisk combine all the wet ingredients until you have a nice smooth batter. I whisk the eggs together in a cup before adding to the mixture, just to add some air to help the cake to rise.

Bake in a preheated oven for 25 to 30 minutes or until a skewer comes out clean.

Remove from the oven and allow to cool on a wire rack.

Whilst the cake is cooling melt more chocolate, scoop out the flesh of the Avocados and add all the frosting ingredients to a blender, blend until you have a nice smooth frosting, you can do this by hand if your Avocados are really ripe.

Top the cooled sponge with your frosting, sprinkle over your chocolate shavings and enjoy.